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Workers' Compensation

What You Need to Know About Back Injury Compensation

By February 26, 2024August 27th, 2024No Comments

One of the most common and devastating workplace injuries is a back injury. If you’ve been hurt on the job, you might be wondering what back injury compensation you could be entitled to in New York State. Fortunately, workers’ compensation for back pain is often viewed as a valid claim. Successfully winning your claim entitles you to lost wages and medical benefits that can support you and your family while you’re unable to work.

Common Back Injury Claims

A back injury at work is often the result of an acute accident. These injuries can be caused by a wide range of events, such as a severe fall or lifting a heavy object. A back injury claim can also arise over time as a direct result of intense physical work. For example, Lewis & Lewis successfully litigated a claim for a commercial farm worker who developed back pain over several years of lifting and twisting to load heavy products. The wear and tear on this client’s back was directly caused by his work activity, which prompted his workers’ compensation claim.

Insurance companies will likely dispute a back injury claim submitted by a worker who experiences an injury caused over time rather than by a specific incident. Even if you have been treated for back pain in the past, you may still have a successful claim for a back injury at work if the activity or accident caused a new condition. This would involve “reopening” your workers’ compensation case, which the attorneys at Lewis & Lewis can assist with.

Workers’ Compensation Benefits for Back Injury Claim

Lost wage benefits in workers’ compensation cases may entitle you to tax-free, weekly benefits up to two-thirds of your preinjury wage while you recover from your injury. How long you receive these benefits depends on the severity of your injury and whether your injury is permanent or temporary. Medical benefits in a workers’ compensation claim provide full coverage with no copay for treatment related to your claim, subject to the Workers’ Compensation Board’s guidelines.

When you have a back injury claim, these benefits may pay for various treatments such as chiropractic care, physical therapy, injections, or even surgery. Right after an injury, it is important to see a doctor who accepts New York State Workers’ Compensation insurance and is certified by the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board to treat injured workers. The Workers’ Compensation Board offers an online resource to help you search for and verify medical professionals with these credentials.

When to Contact a Lawyer After a Back Injury at Work

Whether you had a sudden accident at work or believe your back has been injured over time due to job activity, contact Lewis & Lewis. During your free consultation, our attorneys will review your claim and let you know if you have a valid case for back injury compensation. We can also help you obtain the benefits you are entitled to.

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